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Types of Evaluation || Teaching Aptitude || paper-1 BY DIMPLE

Desirable  characteristics   of   evaluation

1. Comprehensiveness: 

It must try to assess all aspects of a child’s development. Thus, different techniques might be used by the teachers to evaluate the performance of the child.

2. Continuous: 

Evaluation is a continuous process in education. It is not just an examination but a part of the evaluation process. There is no fixed time limit for the completion of evaluation work, but it is a continuous process.

CBSE’s Continuous and Comprehensive

Evaluation (CCE) is based on the above two parameters. CCE helps in improving the student’s performance by identifying his or her learning difficulties at regular time intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing

suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance.

functions of evaluation

Evaluation does not end with the summarization of results. It has direct bearing on the improvement of the system as a whole. The functions of evaluation are as follows:

1. Feedback: To assess strengths and weaknesses.

2. Motivation: The mere realization that you would be evaluated propels a student to work hard.

3. Better guidance: Crucial for the growth of pupils.

4. Remediation: It helps in locating the areas that require remedial measures.

Types of evaluation techniques

A good evaluation device is one which secures valid evidence regarding the desired change of behaviourA teacher needs to know the various devices that are

helpful in gathering evidence on the changes taking place in a pupil.

They can be categorized into quantitative and qualitative techniques and it is described as follows.

Quantitative techniques

1.Written examination:

It is also known as paper pencil test. In this technique, the answers are to be written as

per the instruction of questions.

2. Oral examination:

They supplement the written examination. Examples are test of reading ability, and pronunciation and viva voce is also an example.

Practical examination:

These tests are necessary to test experimental and manipulative skills of a learner, particularly in subjects, such as science, technology, agriculture, craft and music.

Qualitative techniques

Observation and interviews:

Observation is used to evaluate the behaviour of the pupil in controlled and uncontrolled situations. It is purposive and systematic and carefully viewing or observing the behaviour and recording it. Interview is sometime superior to other devices. It is because of the fact that pupils are usually more willing to talk than write.

2. Checklist:

A checklist is an instrument that is used for collecting and recording evidence regarding significant behavioural tendencies of the pupils or specific problems they present in the classroom.

3. Rating scale:

Rating is a term applied to the expression of opinion or judgement regarding some situation, object or character. Rating scale is a device by which judgements can be quantified.

4. Cumulative records:

Anecdotal records, cumulative record cards and diaries of pupils are some other devices used in evaluation process to know the details about a child’s behaviour.



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