Recents in Beach


A lecture is an oral presentation of information by the instructor. 

• It is the method of relaying factual information which includes principles, concepts, ideas and all THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE about a given topic. 

• In a lecture the teacher tells, explains, describes or relates whatever information the students are required to learn through listening and understanding. It is therefore teacher centered. 

 • The teacher is very active, doing all the talking. Students on the other hand are very inactive, doing all the listening. 

• Despite the popularity of lectures, the lack of active involvement of learners limits its usefulness as a method of instruction. 

• The lecture method of instruction is recommended for students with very little knowledge or limited background knowledge on the topic. 

• To be effective in promoting learning, the lecture must involve some discussions and, question and answer period to allow trainees to be involved actively. 

1. Economical as it can cover large audience in less time. 
2. Stimulates further learning. 
3. Flexibility of adapting the lecture according to time and equipment available.

1. Student may be a passive listener so teacher has to make conscious efforts to make it two-way communication. 
2. Not very suitable for developing mental skills. 

2. Team Teaching
Team Teaching Team teaching is an innovative approach in teaching large groups in which two or more teachers are involved in planning, executing and evaluating the learning experiences of a group of students. 
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1. Sharing the best faculty by more students. 
2. Optimum use of multiple teaching techniques and devices. 
3. Improvement of teaching quality 

1. Finding teachers with special competencies is a difficult task. 
2. More teachers are required for this method. 
3. Requires much time for planning and scheduling. 

3. Team Teaching TV or Video Presentation 
Television or video presentation is an improved presentation of radio or audio presentation, and it can virtually bring the whole world inside the classroom. 
• Screening of video presentation is followed by a discussion or task. 

1. Many important personalities and experts are brought to the classroom through video presentation. 
2. Specifically useful for adult learners. 
3. Easily accessible for learners in remote areas. 

1. Less possibility for two-way communication. 
2. There can be difficulty in adjusting to complicated schedules to telecast period. 

See Full lecture of this topic on You Tube

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