Recents in Beach


1. Individualized methods

The individualized methods of instruction can be  defined as instructions designed to meet the needs  of an individual learner and to accommodate  the differences displayed between the learners.  The main teaching methods include assignments, case-study approach, computer-based  learning, open learning, personalized system of  instruction, and programmed instructions, which  are discussed below.


2. Assignments

Assignments are given to students for a number  of purposes, such as for acquiring additional  information, surveying, application of knowledge, and solving numerical problems. Although  the main role is of the learner, the teacher too  has a crucial role.

The teacher has to plan the  assignments and guide the student regarding references for collecting relevant information. The assignments should be open ended and should promote creativity among the  students.


1. It helps students work independently. 
2. It helps in sharpening the student’s comprehension, analytical, and problem-solving  abilities. 

3. It helps in inculcation of creativity among  the students.  


1. Students may copy each others material unless the assignments are carefully  planned.

3.3. Case Study

Unlike traditional lecture-based teaching  where student participation in the classroom  is minimal, the case method is an active learning method that requires participation and  involvement from the student in the classroom.

A case is usually a “description of an actual  situation, the student must deal with the situation  described in the case, that is, in the role of a decision maker facing the situation.


1. It provides opportunity to the participants  to analyse, critically examine, evaluate, and  express reasoned opinions. 
2. It enhances decision-making and problem solving skills. 

3. It ensures active participation, which may  lead to innovative solutions


1. It requires training for the teachers to use  this method. 
2. It is not useful for all subjects and situations.

4. Programmed   Instruction

Programmed Instruction (PI) is a general term for  a highly structured system of learning, which is based on logical sequence of self-paced, learning  steps with feedback between each step. The  learner gets immediate feedback after each step.


1. There is regular feedback. 

2. This ensures active participation of the  learner, and it can be used for any subject.  


1. Learner motivation may get diminished  after sometime.

5. Personalized System of Instruction

Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) can  be used for all subject matters except where  the students are to select the contents. Learners  must achieve mastery of a series of written  mastery units, assisted by teachers, proctors,  and enriching lectures before proceeding to  the final test.
PSI consists of five basic elements comprising

(i) mastery learning,

(ii)  self-pacing,

(iii) stress on written material, 

(iv) proctors, and

(v) lectures.  


1. It is based on mastery learning. 

2. It facilitates self-paced learning.  


1. It is not suitable for rapidly changing course  contents. 
2. It is not suitable for psychomotor and affective domains.

6. Computer-  assisted     Learning

Computer-assisted Learning (CAL) is concerned with the use of a computer to mediate  the flow of information in a learning process.  A computer has the ability to process information very quickly, accurately and to adapt and  respond to the learner’s need, difficulties, and  progress, which is much greater than that of a  book or video tape.



1. It has more flexibility and better control in  comparison to other methods. 

2. It can be effectively used for drilling and  practicing, simulation, and modelling.  


1. It is impersonal and costly.

7.7Open learning

The face-to-face interaction between teachers and students through tutorials should form a  part of open learning. For open learning, learning packages are to be developed, making use of  multimedia. Open learning instruction is, however, not suitable for the rapidly changing nature  of content as this involves time, expertise, and  resources.


1. It offers flexibility to learner.  


1. It is not suitable for achieving psychomotor  and affective learning objectives. 
2. It requires time, expertise, and resources,  and hence, not suitable for subjects of rapidly changing nature.

8. Differentiated Instruction (DI)

Differentiated instruction is a dynamic, proactive  method of teaching. It means that the teacher  plans and uses a variety of ways to teach learning. It is a combination of whole group, small  group, and individual instruction methods. 

In this method, qualitative aspects are given  more weightage than quantitative aspects. It uses  multiple approaches to accommodate multiple  intelligences. It is student-centred, meaning that  lessons are engaging, relevant, interesting, and  active. It is an organized and planned method of  teaching.

9. Heuristic Method

This method was advocated by Professor  Armstrong. In this method, the student has to  find out the answer to his/her own problem by  unaided efforts. Thus, the child becomes a discoverer of knowledge by developing a spirit  of inquiry. The main aim of teaching by this  method is not to provide much facts about science, mathematics, grammar, etc. but to teach  how knowledge of these can be obtained.


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